Experience one-on-one fantasy swordplay with a diverse array of warriors and martial arts styles in Broken Edge. For a firsthand Mixed Reality experience, click here to immerse yourself in this gripping virtual world. It offers thrilling one-on-one combat scenarios, allowing you to wield a sword and engage with various martial arts experts. Broken Edge promises an exciting and immersive adventure for enthusiasts of swordplay and VR gaming. Step into this fantastical realm to test your mettle against formidable foes, showcasing your skills in exhilarating duels. This is your chance to engage in epic battles and master the art of the blade in a captivating VR experience.

Broken Edge is a VR sword-fighting game where you duel other players online. Choose from diverse warriors like samurai and knights, each with unique styles and abilities. Master strategic clashes, parries, and combos to dominate the arena. Climb the ranks in competitive matches or hone your skills in training grounds. Immerse yourself in intense duels and feel the thrill of victory in this dynamic MR experience.