Ultimate Swing Golf swings for the fences as a VR golf experience, offering a balance between accessibility and challenge. The intuitive swing mechanics make it easy for anyone to pick up and enjoy, while still offering depth for more seasoned players.

The game features five varied courses, from tropical paradises to mountain ranges, providing stunning backdrops for your golfing adventures. The cartoonish style keeps things vibrant without sacrificing detail. Challenge mode provides a good amount of content, unlocking new clubs and caddie outfits as you progress through increasingly difficult challenges.

It’s a blast to go head-to-head with friends in online matches, with bragging rights on the line. Additionally, mixed reality options let you practice your swing in your living room or even set up a putting green.

However, the game isn’t without its flaws. Some might miss a more structured career progression system, as the challenge mode, while fun, doesn’t quite fill that gap. The caddies can get a bit repetitive with their commentary, and you might find yourself turning off the voice acting after a while. The cheering crowds look a bit out of place in the otherwise polished visuals.

Overall, Ultimate Swing Golf is a great VR golf game that caters to both casual and more serious players. The easy-to-learn swing mechanics, beautiful courses, and variety of modes make it a fun and immersive experience.

While some might miss a career mode and the caddies can wear out their welcome, the solid core gameplay and online multiplayer make it a fairway winner. If you’re looking for a fun and accessible VR golf game, Ultimate Swing Golf is a great choice. It’s perfect for unwinding after a long day or having a blast with friends online.