Karnage Chronicles is a VR action RPG built for immersive dungeon crawling. You choose your playstyle, wielding weapons and magic in intense battles. The unique VR controls let you manage your inventory and fight with natural movements. Team up with friends for an unforgettable cooperative experience in a visually stunning world.

The gameplay duration of Karnage Chronicles is:

Main Story: 8 Hours.Main + Sides: 10 Hours.

However, it’s important to note that these are just estimates, and the actual gameplay duration may vary depending on your playstyle and how much you explore the game world.For example, if you’re a completionist who likes to collect all of the items and complete all of the side quests, you can expect to spend closer to 12 hours or more playing the game.

On the other hand, if you’re just interested in playing the main story, you can probably finish the game in around 8 hours.

Karnage Chronicles is an action RPG VR game where players take on the role of a Murkwraith, an undying knight on a perilous journey through dark dungeons filled with monsters, traps, puzzles, and treasure. The game supports 1-4 players with auto-scaling of monster strength and number of spawns as people come and go. The game features customizable weapon presets, anti-wiggle system for close-quarter combat, and an inventory system made specifically for VR. Players can also collect coins, mine precious metals, find random gear, and visit new shops to spend their coins on new gear and consumables.

Some tips and tricks for Karnage Chronicles:

General Gameplay:


  • Teleportation: Utilize teleportation for quick movement and maneuvering in tight spaces, especially if your VR legs aren’t strong.
  • Shields: Use your shield actively to block attacks and parry when possible. This can save you a lot of health.
  • Dodge and roll: Don’t just stand there! Learn to dodge enemy attacks and roll out of danger.


  • Learn enemy patterns: Each enemy type has its own attack patterns. Learn them to dodge and counter effectively.
  • Combo attacks: Utilize your character’s combo attacks for higher damage and crowd control.
  • Environmental hazards: Use the environment to your advantage. Push enemies into pits, set them on fire, or crush them with falling objects.
  • Teamwork (co-op): Communicate with your allies and coordinate your attacks. Share resources and revive fallen comrades.

Gear and Inventory:

  • Loot everything: You never know what you might find. Search every nook and cranny for hidden treasures and crafting materials.
  • Upgrade your gear: Regularly upgrade your weapons and armor to stay competitive.
  • Manage your inventory: Don’t overburden yourself. Sell or store unwanted items to avoid encumbrance penalties.


  • Seek out side quests: They can reward you with valuable loot and experience.
  • Explore hidden areas: There are many secrets to discover in Karnage Chronicles. Don’t be afraid to go off the beaten path.
  • Read lore entries: Immerse yourself in the world by reading the lore entries scattered throughout the game.

Character-Specific Tips:


  • Get in close: Warriors are melee specialists, so don’t be afraid to get up in the enemy’s face.
  • Master combos: Learn your weapon combos to deal maximum damage.
  • Use shouts: Shouts can provide helpful buffs or debuffs to yourself and your allies.


  • Stay back and cast spells: Mages are fragile but powerful. Stay at a safe distance and bombard your enemies with magic.
  • Manage your mana: Don’t spam your spells. Conserve your mana for when it’s needed most.
  • Utilize wards and shields: Protect yourself from enemy attacks with wards and shields.


  • Be stealthy: Rogues excel at sneak attacks and backstabs. Use your stealth skills to your advantage.
  • Use poisons and traps: Poisons and traps can weaken enemies and make them easier to kill.
  • Master lockpicking: Lockpicking can open up many doors and chests that contain valuable loot.

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